SharePoint don't give you groups for SPUser if the right is given by an active directory group.
You have to merge groups specificied directly using user login in sharepoint groups and active directory groups.
private static List<SPGroup> GetAllUserGroups(SPUser user)
List<SPGroup> groups = new List<SPGroup>();
//Get groups from SharePoint
foreach (SPGroup spGroup in user.Groups)
string userLogin = user.LoginName;
Du SharePoint, du silverlight, pas mal de C#, un peu de powershell et surtout du Microsoft
Affichage des articles dont le libellé est Client Side Object Model. Afficher tous les articles
Affichage des articles dont le libellé est Client Side Object Model. Afficher tous les articles
vendredi 13 décembre 2013
vendredi 14 décembre 2012
How to activate custom action based on SharePoint Right
This javascript function is a helper to enable or disable custom action for SharePoint 2010 based on ContentTypeID, Permissions and number of selected element.
You can call this function in the CommandUIHandler EnabledScript attribute
Create a custom action for Ribbon :
<CustomAction Id="Ribbon.AlertPerso"
Location="CommandUI.Ribbon" Title="Alert Perso">
<CommandUIDefinition Location="Ribbon.Documents.Manage.Controls._children">
<Button Id="Ribbon.CreerAlerter.Button"
LabelText="Créer une alerte personnalisée"
Command="AlerteCommandeDoc" />
<CommandUIHandler Command="AlerteCommandeDoc"
CommandAction="javascript:window.location='votre page cible."
<!-- Replace the first attribute by you content type id, the second one with the SPPermission needed, and the thrid with the number of element that have to be selected (list of sharepoint permission kind : --> EnabledScript="javascript:ActiveTypeContenuDroit('0x0101002D02DF72FAFB4EAB9446F92337C759AE01',SP.PermissionKind.,1);"/>
Ajout de la fonction dans core.js :
You can call this function in the CommandUIHandler EnabledScript attribute
Create a custom action for Ribbon :
<CustomAction Id="Ribbon.AlertPerso"
Location="CommandUI.Ribbon" Title="Alert Perso">
<CommandUIDefinition Location="Ribbon.Documents.Manage.Controls._children">
<Button Id="Ribbon.CreerAlerter.Button"
LabelText="Créer une alerte personnalisée"
Command="AlerteCommandeDoc" />
<CommandUIHandler Command="AlerteCommandeDoc"
CommandAction="javascript:window.location='votre page cible."
<!-- Replace the first attribute by you content type id, the second one with the SPPermission needed, and the thrid with the number of element that have to be selected (list of sharepoint permission kind : --> EnabledScript="javascript:ActiveTypeContenuDroit('0x0101002D02DF72FAFB4EAB9446F92337C759AE01',SP.PermissionKind.,1);"/>
Ajout de la fonction dans core.js :
//Id of SP.ListItem
var ItemSelectedID;
//Content Type ID
var ItemSelectedContentType;
var ItemSelectedItem;
//Right on the item.
var ItemSelectedRight;
//Check if the custom action is enabled
//ContenuID : Content Type Id that the item must match.
//Permission : Permissions needed, if null the custom action will be enabled.
function ActiveTypeContenuDroit(ContenuID, Permission, TypeAction) {
var result = false;
var selectedItems = SP.ListOperation.Selection.getSelectedItems();
var countItems = CountDictionary(selectedItems);
//when the action is available for all items.
if (TypeAction == 0 && countItems == TypeAction) {
result = true;
} else {
//when the action is available when only one item is selected.
if (countItems == TypeAction && TypeAction == 1) {
//when the objet is not defined
if (this.ItemSelectedID == null) {
var listGuid = SP.ListOperation.Selection.getSelectedList();
ItemSelectedID = selectedItems[0]['id'];
ListItemContentTypePermission(this.ItemSelectedID, listGuid);
//when the charged item is not previous item that was charged
else if (this.ItemSelectedID != selectedItems[0]['id']) {
this.ItemSelectedID = selectedItems[0]['id'];
var listGuid = SP.ListOperation.Selection.getSelectedList();
ListItemContentTypePermission(this.ItemSelectedID, listGuid);
//compare with the content type id parameter
else if (this.ItemSelectedContentType != null) {
if (ItemSelectedContentType.toString().indexOf(ContenuID.toString()) != -1) {
//Check rigth on the object.
if (Permission != null && ItemSelectedRight != null) {
if (ItemSelectedRight == null) {
alert("ItemSelectedRight null");
else {
//Check rigth on the object.
var permettre = ItemSelectedRight.has(Permission);
if (permettre) {
{ result = true; }
else {
result = true;
else {
//when more than one selected value is possible
if (TypeAction > 1) {
// .. action when two item selected.
alert("not defined ActiveTypeContenuDroit " + TypeAction);
result = false;
return result;
//Initialize SP.ListItem and get the property Title ContentTypeId EffectiveBasePermissions
function ListItemContentTypePermission(ItemId, listGuid) {
var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext();
var web = clientContext.get_web();
var lists = web.get_lists();
var list = lists.getById(listGuid);
ItemSelectedItem = list.getItemById(ItemId);
clientContext.load(ItemSelectedItem, 'Title', 'ContentTypeId', 'EffectiveBasePermissions');
clientContext.executeQueryAsync(onListItemContentTypePermission, failedListItemContentTypePermission);
//Get the needed property.
function onListItemContentTypePermission(sender, args) {
ItemSelectedRight = ItemSelectedItem.get_effectiveBasePermissions();
ItemSelectedContentType = ItemSelectedItem.get_item('ContentTypeId');
function failedListItemContentTypePermission(sender, args) {
alert('Request failed. \nError: ' + args.get_message() + '\nStackTrace: ' + args.get_stackTrace());
SharePoint Client Side Object Model (CSOM)
Un petit coup de chapeau pour ce très bon post qui trait du CSOM dans SharePoint 2010, SharePoint 2007, SharePoint 2013.
Et notamment sur la récupération du SP.ClientContext< ainsi que le fonctionnement des executeQueryAsync
Et notamment sur la récupération du SP.ClientContext< ainsi que le fonctionnement des executeQueryAsync
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